Catechism in a Year - With this podcast, Catholics will read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days, understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter, see how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture, absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition, encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness, and transform their relationship with the Church that Christ founded.
Forgiveness Meditation- pray with Sr. Miriam James Heidland as she walks you through a forgiveness meditation with Jesus in this short video.
Restore the Glory- a podcast by two Catholic therapists, Dr. Bob Schuchts and Jake Khym, focusing on the healing and restoration of our God-given glory.
Faith Formation Resources
Prayer & Faith Formation - our parish pays an annual license so you can access thousands of Catholic movies, videos, programs, books, audiobooks, and talks for free. Sign up as a parishioner by searching "St. Mary Chardon". This is your one-stop shop for growth in the Catholic faith! Check out the This Week on FORMED page for timely resources updated weekly.
Theology of the Body Cleveland - events, retreats, and seminars to understand more deeply St. John Paul II's anthropology (what it means to be a human person created and willed by God) in relationship to our own spiritual growth, healing, and in response to some of the most pressing issues of marriage, family, and sexuality that our culture faces today.
Word On Fire Catholic Ministries - drawing from the beauty, truth, and goodness of our Catholic faith and tradition, Word on Fire uses multimedia developed by Bishop Robert Barron and his team to engage the culture and proclaim Christ where He is most needed.
Catholic Answers - Search the world's largest database of answers about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. Learn more about Catholicism through articles, books, videos and more. - pray the Liturgy of the Hours which is a daily time of prayer for each 'hour' of the day. Pray Morning, Daytime, Evening, and Night Prayer, and reflect with Scripture and the saints with the Office of Readings. There are guides at this website to help you get started.
Forgiveness Meditation- pray with Sr. Miriam James Heidland as she walks you through a forgiveness meditation with Jesus in this short video.
Spiritual Direction - spiritual direction establishes a relationship between a spiritual directee and a spiritual director which aims to assist the directee deepen his or her relationship with God. Spiritual direction is different from counseling since its focus is not on resolving mental health concerns, but on deepening intimacy with the Lord. Contact Michael Hayes ([email protected]) for a list of all available trained spiritual directors in the Diocese.
Podcasts & Audio
Catechism in a Year - in response to countless requests, Ascension is launching The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) on January 1, 2023!With this podcast, Catholics will read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days, understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter, see how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture, absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition, encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness, and transform their relationship with the Church that Christ founded.
Bible in a Year - Fr. Mike Schmitz guides Catholics through the Bible in 365 daily episodes starting January 1st, 2021. Each 20-25 minute episode includes two to three scripture readings, a reflection from Fr. Mike Schmitz, and a guided prayer to help you hear God’s voice in his Word.
Ask Christopher West Podcast - Christopher and Wendy West answer questions about faith, life, love, and sexuality, in light of John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
Discerning Hearts - podcasts from various speakers and authors specializing in spirituality, spiritual direction, prayer, discernment of spirits, and Catholic social teaching.
Restore the Glory- a podcast by two Catholic therapists, Dr. Bob Schuchts and Jake Khym, focusing on the healing and restoration of our God-given glory.
Counseling Resources
Catholic Charities- our Cleveland Catholic Charities offers a wide range of individual, family, and community services throughout our Diocese. Call 1-800-860-7373 for professional, affordable telehealth counseling for depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and any addiction concerns.
Cornerstone of Hope- Dedicated to providing counseling, support, and education to those grieving the loss of a loved one.
Hope's Garden - Hope's Garden offers women a communal and prayerful approach to emotional and spiritual healing of wounded or broken spousal relationships.
Life Coach Mama - Life Coach Mama offers marriage, parenting, and pregnancy coaching sessions as well as numerous resources to support busy moms.
Sacred Heart Counseling - Sacred Heart Counseling, LLC is a counseling center based in Northeast Ohio that provides holistic services accounting for body, mind, and spirit based in the Christian tradition. Our services integrate spirituality and theology to assist people from all backgrounds to find healing and peace.
Nellie K Counseling - Nellie K Counseling, LLC provides counseling services to the Catholic/Christian faithful.
Lake/Geauga Divorced & Separated Catholic Ministry - the Catholic Parishes of Lake and Geauga Counties provide help and healing for the hurt of divorce and separation. It is our mission to: promote emotional and sacramental healing; encourage support, independence, and empowerment; adn make the presence of the Catholic Church a part of your journey toward recovery.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)- get support from other recovering alcoholics with a program that works. Call the AA hotline at 1-866-210-1303. Volunteers around the clock are available to answer questions and offer help.
Al-Anon (loved ones of alcoholics) - get support from other family members of alcoholics with a program that works. Call the Al-Anon hotline at 1-888-425-2666. Volunteers around the clock are available to answer questions and offer help.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) - get support from other drug addicts with a program that works. Call the NA hotline at 1-800-587-4232. There are lifesaving resources and treatment available to you. Private and confidential.
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) - a fellowship with a solution to the problems of lust, sex, and pornography addiction. Contact the pastor for more information.
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - free support 24/7 to people in suicidal crisis or distress. Dial 988 or call the hotline at 216-623-6888.
Pro-Life Resources
Pregnancy Resource Guide- a pamphlet from the Geauga County Catholic Pro-Life Coalition containing a variety of local and national resources and contacts to assist individuals and families. Listed services include contacts for pregnancy centers and churches, housing and financial assistance, adoption services, and post-abortion help.
Veranova Health - new in December 2022. Veranova provides evidence-based, compassionate medical care to women and families, while respecting the dignity of all human life. "We use restorative reproductive medicine to identify and correct disorders including infertility, hormone-related disorders, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and much more. If you’ve been prescribed birth control for a medical condition, don’t simply treat your symptoms – make sure you treat the underlying cause of painful, irregular periods, and other reproductive concerns. The medical attention we provide women and their families is founded in faith and built on science – for comprehensive care designed to honor the unique beauty of every patient we serve."
Rachel's Vineyard - a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.
Crisis Pregnancy Support - free online group life coaching from a team of Catholic life coaches and licensed Catholic counselors to women in crisis pregnancies.
Catholic News
USCCB - follow news from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and access daily Mass Readings.
Catholic News Agency - get Catholic news delivered to your inbox every day by signing up for their newsletter.
Diocese of Cleveland - connect with the Diocese of Cleveland for news and updates.